The principles of logic - PDF book by Aaron Schuyler

The principles of logic, for high schools and colleges

The principles of logic
The principles of logic

The author has endeavoured, in the following treatise, to give a clear, concise, and systematic development of the principles of Logic.
Care has been taken to retain the valuable results of the labours of former investigators — results that the world can not afford to lose; yet much will be found that is new, not only in the methods but also in the matter.

The works of the following authors have been examined: Aristotle, Hamilton, Mill, De Morgan, Thompson, Mansel, Whately, Wilson, Tappan, Mahan, Day, McGregor, True, and Coppee. To Hamilton, the author is especially indebted for valuable aid about the following subjects: Classification of Science, General Outline, Concepts, and Modified Logic; and to Mill, for examples illustrating the four experimental methods of investigation.

It has been kept steadily in mind that the work is designed for a text-book; and, by this design, a topical arrangement has been given to the matter, to adapt it to the topical method of conducting recitations, which, when followed up by appropriate questions, is, of all methods, the best for the grade of students who will pursue the stud}r of Logic.

It will add much to the interest and value of the recitation, to require the student to write out upon the blackboard, the classifications and all other matter whose condensed form renders it practicable.

details :
  • Author: Aaron Schuyler
  • Publication date: 1869
  • Remark Cincinnati, Wilson, Hinkle & co.; New York, Clark & Maynard; [etc., etc.]

  • Download PDF book - 6 MB
