The law of mind in action; - PDF book by Fenwicke Lindsay Holmes

The law of mind in action; daily lessons and treatments in mental and spiritual science

The law of mind in action
The law of mind in action

GOD is the Creative Spirit, everywhere present, eternally here. In Him is all life, intelligence, goodness, holiness and truth. He knows no want. He suffers no pain. He is unlimited in time, space and circumstance. Man, a child of God, is a divine spirit, shares His resources, lives, moves and has his being in God as an infinite sea.

 "There is one God and Father of all, who is over all, through all, and in all." As His child, therefore, I am pure spirit, free from ills of body, mind and soul. In pure spirit, I live, move and have my being. I am perfect, even as my Father in heaven is perfect. The breath which I breathe is the breath of the Spirit. 

The food which I eat is the gift of the Spirit and it fills me with the strength of the Spirit. The consciousness of the Perfect Spirit is mine, and I know it and feel it flowing through my whole being, bringing with it strength, power, and perfect peace. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and I feel His presence all around me, in me, and through me. I am free from all sickness, worry and fear. Perfect love casts out all fear from me and I am free. Health, hope, peace, life, love, truth, and plenty are mine. These I claim from God. These in the name of Christ I Now receive. I render thanks for the perfect gift

There is a law of healing so plain that even a child can understand it, so fundamental that the ablest mind has never yet thought through all the facts and phenomena of life that rest upon it. It is the purpose of this book to make this law plain 

The greatest power in the world is the power of thought, for it is Creative Mind in action. Nothing exists that did not first exist in thought from the first sun that blazed only in the Mind of the Creator, to the last doll dress fashioned by a childish hand. Science supports the fact that the first movement in nature can have come only from the application of an immaterial force or Will to the primary etheric particles otherwise in a perfect state. equihbrium.

It must leave to metaphysics not only an explanation of the Will that moves but also the substance that is moved. This, then, it is the province of this book to show all that it entails. Since an act of Will is an act of mind, we concern ourselves with the activity of a Creative Mind. Again since Mind acts creatively, there is a way in which it acts.

details :
  • Author: Fenwicke Lindsay Holmes
  • Publication date:  1919
  • Remark  New York, R.M. McBride & co.

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