Teaching to think - Julius Boraas PDF book

Teaching to think 

Teaching to think
Teaching to think -

A preface should indicate those beliefs or viewpoints of the author which constitute the basis or background of his book and which will enable the reader to understand its general purpose. I shall, therefore, state briefly the convictions which influence the chapters that follow.

Real success in the various vocations into which pupils enter after leaving school is, I believe, directly dependent on the ability of the individual worker to think effectively; that is, on his ability to apply acquired information rather than on his ability to offer it in mere repetition. *

Harmless enjoyment and healthful recreation depend chiefly on our ability to plan, choose, make adjustments, invent, organize, and decide when to stop; in other words, on our ability to think rationally.

The most practical and lasting kindness in family and community life has its foundation in the ability and willingness to think cooperatively.

The success of a democratic government like ours is dependent on the practical thoughtfulness of its citizens, shown on the one hand in initiative and leadership, and on the other hand in the ability to select the best leaders and follow them discriminatingly.

A considerable and varied experience in public and private schools has convinced me that we have too often

details :
  • Author: Julius Boraas 
  • Publication date:1922
  • Remark New York, Macmillan

  • Download the PDF book  Teaching to Think 6.7 MB