Reminiscences of a Rebel by Wayland Fuller Dunaway,

Reminiscences of a Rebel 

Reminiscences of a Rebel
Reminiscences of a Rebel 

Notwithstanding the title of this volume, I do not admit that I was ever in any true sense a rebel, neither do I intend any disrespect when I call the Northern soldiers Yankees. 

The use of these terms is only a concession to the appellations that were customary during the war. It is my purpose to record some recollections of the Civil War, and incidentally to furnish some historical notices of the brigade to which I was attached. Here and there I have expressed, also, some opinions concerning the great events of that dreadful period, some criticisms of the conduct of battles and retreats, and some estimates of the abilities of prominent generals. The incentive to write is of a complex nature.

 There is a pleasure, especially for the aged, in reviving the memories of the past and narrating them to attentive hearers. Moreover, I hope that this book will furnish instruction to those who have grown up since the war, and entertainment to older persons who participated in its struggles, privations, and sorrows. And besides, the future historian of that gigantic conflict may perhaps find here some original contribution to the accumulating material upon which he must draw. He will need the humble narratives of inconspicuous participants as well as the pretentious attempts of the partial historians who have preceded him. The river flows into the sea, but the river itself is supplied by creeks rivulets and springs.

details :
  • Author: Wayland Fuller  Dunaway,
  • Publication date: 1913
  • Remark  New York, The Neale publishing company

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