Dressmaking self-taught - Edith Marie Carens -PDF ebook

Dressmaking self-taught in twenty complete lessons

Dressmaking self-taught
Dressmaking self-taught

Excerpt from the introduction:

The necessity of thoroughly familiarizing the first lesson in this Course cannot be impressed too strongly upon the student's mind, as it is practically the alphabet to Dressmaking. This may be overlooked in a desire to ''get on;" but it is a great mistake for a learner to permit herself to leave this ' 'alphabet* ' until she thoroughly understands every principle. 

A knowledge of the principles of each lesson should be tested by the questions found at the close. When the questions can be answered satisfactorily, practice your work repeatedly until you understand the lesson thoroughly. 

Then after your lesson has been corrected look over your paper carefully and take note of your errors. The principles of each and every lesson must be understood before satisfactory progress in their application can be made. Learn the principles thoroughly; let them become a part of your very self. How soon you will be able to make practical use of Dressmaking will depend upon your familiarity with the little details and the time devoted each day to applying yourself to the work.

details :
  • Author:- Edith Marie Carens 
  • Publication date:1911
  • Remark  [Toledo, O., Press of the B. F. Wade & Sons Co.]

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