Market analysis, its principles and methods - PDF book - Percival White

Market analysis, its principles and methods

Market analysis, its principles and methods
Market analysis, its principles and methods

The purpose of this book is to serve as a guide for the manufacturer, sales manager, engineer, advertising agency, and others interested in the scientific analysis and organization of markets. 

Although addressed primarily to business executives, it is hoped that the book also will prove of value to the professional market surveyor, as well as to the student who believes that, in the coming business era, scientific methods will be applied to dis- contribution as they were to production in the past era. Although an attempt has been made to give the somewhat casual reader an adequate perspective of market analysis, the book is arranged to give the actual investigator all instructions necessary to the conduct of his work. At the beginning of each chapter,  an outline is given of its content.

 This outline is in question form. It is, of course, impossible to devise a set of questions directly applicable to any and every business, yet it will be safe for the surveyor to assume that by the time he can give intelligent answers to these key questions he has in hand all the material necessary for a complete report on his market. 

The chapters and, in so far as possible, the headings imder each chapter, have been arranged according to, the surveyor's logical course of procedure, rather than with any attempt at a theoretical or merely pedagogical presentation of the subject.

details :
  • Author:  Percival White
  • Publication date:  1921
  • Remark  New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc.

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