Applied business correspondence by Herbert Watson - PDF book

Applied business correspondence

Applied business correspondence

Routine and individual application in a book is of course ordinarily prohibitively expensive. It was possible in the case of this book because the Course in Business Correspondence was prepared by Mr. Watson for the A. W. Shaw Company could be drawn on to any extent desired. In the Course,   

Mr Watson brought together the results of many years of experience of the correspondence experts of the Shaw organization and several years of work which had been undertaken in preparation for publishing a course in business correspondence which would adequately reflect this experience.

 To this unique background, he added the lessons crystallized during the years he had himself specialized in selling and business correspondence. 

Mr Watson was for merely in charge of the mail sales departments of the A. W. Shaw Company has been similarly connected with other concerns and has for several years maintained, in New York, offices as an advertising and sales specialist. 

The Course in Business Correspondence amply justified the expectations that this unusual background warranted.

 Its success uncovered a demand for a similarly comprehensive treatment of the subject, but without consultation privileges and some of the detailed developments only possible in an extended course. The publishers decided to supply this demand by drawing together into this book the necessary text from the Course itself.

details :
  • Author: Herbert Watson
  • Publication date:  1922
  • Remark  Chicago, New York [etc.] A.W. Shaw company

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