The medical features of the Papyrus Ebers - PDFy - Carl H. von Klein

The medical features of the Papyrus Ebers

The medical features of the Papyrus Ebers
The medical features of the Papyrus Ebers

The Anglo-Saxon nations, though renowned for deep thinking and philosophizing in every branch of science and art, can not boast of a scholarship in bringing forth the first literature of the science of medicine. 

A third of a century has elapsed since George Ebers revealed the pages on medicine which were written some seven thousand years ago, and which were concealed for nearly four thousand years between the legs of a mummy. 

With the assistance of the learned Ludwig Stern and other Egyptologists, Ebers published the fact that Hippocrates of Cos, who for twenty-three hundred years has been known to the world as the "Father of Medicine,"
 Delivered before the Thirtieth Annual Session of the American Academy of Medicine at Chicago, 1905.

Hermetic, which means compiled, or inspired by Thoth, was any work which was written by a priest according to the inspiration of the god, which would correspond excellently to the Ebers Papyrus. 

However, Luring believes that the Ebers Papyrus is much older than the book, and argues that there are certain remarkable differential points between them. Whatever may be the truth, the value of the Ebers Papyrus is the same, be it the hermetic work or a compilation from writings of prominent physicians of the earliest ages.

details :
  • Author: Carl H. von Klein
  • Publication date:  1905
  • Remark  Chicago, American Medical Association

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