The brain as an organ of mind - PDF - H. Charlton Bastian

The brain as an organ of mind

The brain as an organ of mind

Various sides of the complex subject dealt with in this volume are, from their very nature, more or less technical. 

To bring it, as a whole, within the grasp of the generally educated public, great pains have been taken to present the statements of facts and reasonings on the several phases of the subject in a manner as simple as possible— that is, to free the discussion from all technicalities which were not inherent in the subject itself. 

At the same time, I have not lost sight of the probability that such a book as this may possess some special interest for a rapidly growing section of readers more or less familiar with technical discussions on psychological subjects, as well as for another (composed for the most part of members of the medical profession) to whom anatomical and physiological discussions are no less familiar. 

It would be difficult indeed fully to satisfy the requirements of these different classes of readers, especially within the compass of one comparatively small volume; still, I have striven to make this work not unworthy of some consideration from each of these classes, though always with principal regard for the requirements of the larger body of general readers. 

The fact of having to treat the subject thus briefly, al-most of necessity compelled the omission of certain topics of which one or other reader will perhaps expect to find a discussion.
details :
  • Author:Bastian, H. Charlton
  • Publication date: 1880
  • Remark  London: Kegan Paul

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