Principles and practice of public speaking - PDF by Julius E . Kammeyer

Principles and practice of public speaking

Principles and practice of public speaking
Principles and practice of public speaking

The motive that has prompted the writing of this book is threefold; first, to present the principles of public speaking, and suitable illustrative material in convenient form for use in the author's own classes; second, to supply the needs of other teachers to whom this book may commend itself; and third, to meet the demand of the general reader who may desire by his own unassisted efforts to cultivate the ability to speak in public.

The order of presentation, and the method of instruction and practice that is suggested, follow closely the author's place. in presenting the work to his own students. 

It is hoped, and believed, that this book will commend itself as a text especially to young teachers who lack experience in methods, and to that large body of busy teachers with whom teaching classes in public Speaking constitutes only a part of their regular work. 

With this in view, the author has endeavoured to be simple and clear in the statement, and has supplied an abundance of illustrative material for every principle presented; and he has permitted himself at times, an informality and directness of address that could be sanctioned only by the purpose of emphasis and personal encouragement.

There has been throughout an. effort to preserve the distinction between public speaking and public reading, or elocution; yet the extreme policy of excluding all illustrations from the general literature of poetry and prose has not been adopted. To maintain that the vocal

details :
  • Author: Julius E . Kammeyer
  • Publication date: 1911 
  • Remark - Public speaking, how to talk 
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