Practical occultism - Walter Winston Kenilworth - PDF book

Practical occultism 

Practical occultism

We cannot revert our minds these days, but we hear of the occult. Occultism, in various forms, is becoming tremendous and may be dangerous since the fad of the world. 

The danger is evident in the important fact that the occult is so glibly handled by those who know it so little. There are those even like a child, who ignorantly play with fire, employ occultism for commercial and selfish purposes, and hourly curse themselves through the law of reflection. They invariably become neurasthenic.

Occultism, in no sense, signifies the tinkling of astral bells, the gibberings of earthbound souls, and similar mob-attracting phenomena. The greatest occultist is the greatest child; the greatest occult vision, the vision of the spirit; the greatest occult deed and rarest, the unselfish deed. Thrice blessed by the Karmic Deities are such who, in unison with the True White Brotherhood, perform the simplest act of kindness, and employ

details :
  • Author:Walter Winston Kenilworth
  • Publication date: 1882
  • Remark  Boston : Little, Brown, & Co.

  • Download Practical occultism   PDF book
