Introduction To The Psychology of Religion
Since the object of the present book is not primarily to teach its readers psychology, it would merely be a waste of time to discuss the merits of alternative psychological theories when it comes to matters about which there is dispute. In order to avoid this waste, it will be necessary at such points to limit myself to a description of the theory which seems to me to be the one which has the most chance of proving to be of permanent value, with an indication of the terminology which I intend to use.
Where I differ widely from the more conservative psychologists, I propose to mention the existence of alternatives without arguing about them. This procedure will make the psychological part of this book appear to be very dogmatic, but it is necessary if I am to avoid confusing and wearying those of my readers whose knowledge of pure psychology is slight.
This appearance of dogmatism would, I hope, have been avoided if I had attempted to write a book on pure psychology; but, for my present purpose, it is only necessary that I should make my own position and use of language clear so that I may not be misunderstood.
The first subject that it is necessary to discuss is the meaning we intend to attach to the word religion.
The first subject that it is necessary to discuss is the meaning we intend to attach to the word religion.
details :
Author: Whittaker And Company
Publication date: 1922
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