A son of perdition - Fergus Hume - PDF novel

A son of perdition

A son of perdition

How can anyone hope to transfer that to Canvas? asked the artist, surveying the many-coloured earth and sky and sea with despairing eyes. " Easily enough," replied the girl at his elbow, "those who see twice as vividly as others, can make others see once as vividly as they do. That is what we call genius." " A large word for my small capabilities, Miss Enistor. Am I a genius? "

 " Ask yourself, Mr Hardwick, for none other than yourself can answer truly." Outside his special gift, the artist was not over clever, so he lounged on the yielding turf of the slope to turn the speech over in his mind and wait for results. This tall solidly built Saxon only arrived at conclusions by slow degrees of laborious reflection.

 With his straight athletic figure, closely clipped fair hair and a bronzed complexion, against which his moustache looked almost white, he resembled a soldier rather than a painter. Yet a painter he was of some trifling fame, but being only moderately creative, he strove to supply what was wanting by toilsome work. He had not so much the steady fire of genius as the crackling combustion of talent. Thus the grim Cornish country and the far-stretching Atlantic waters, so magically beautiful under an opalescent sunset, baffled him for the moment.

I. Love in Idleness
II. The Prophecy
III. The Fulfilment
IV. Plotting
V. The Meeting
VI. A Conversation
VII. Behind the Scenes
VIII. Love's Young Dream
IX. The Warning
X. In Cornwall
XI. The Spider and the Fly
XII. Small Beer Chronicles
XIII. Further Small Beer Chronicles
XIV. Preparation
XV. The Trance
XVI. The Disciple of Love
jXVII. The Disciple of Hate
XVIII. The Night Before
XIX. The Morning After
XX. The Unexpected
XXI. The Choice
XXII. Right is Might
XXIII. The Eternal Strife
XXIV. Dawn
details :
  • Author: Fergus Hume
  • Publication date:  1916
  • Remark London, W. Rider

  • Download  A son of perdition PDF book
