A journey round the world in the years 1875-1876-1877 - PDF book

A journey round the world in the years 1875-1876-1877 

A journey round the world in the years

Excerpt from Chapter 1
The voyage from China to Cochin-China — Saigon Kiver — Monkeys — Crocodiles — Saigon — Frenchmen not good Colonists — Market-place at Saigon — Palace of Justice — Palace of his Excellency the Governor of the Colony — Public Q-gardens — Botanical Gardens — Menagerie — Popiilation of Saigon — Siesta at noon — Town of Cho-len — Pamous for its Kioe-stores — Many Chinese reside at Cho-len — Difficulties thrown in our way on expressing a desire to Visit the Interior of Annam or Coohin-Ohina and Cambodia— OHmate — Products of Annam — Elephants and Khinoceroses — Annamese — Diet — Brief Account of French Cochin-China — River Mekong — Province of Mytho — Major Henry — French Jealousy — Province of Vinklong — Rude French Priest.

Our readers cannot be surprised when we state that, after an uninterrupted residence of twenty-three years in China, we felt a desire to return, for a season at aU events, to England, the land of our nativity and the home of our fathers. We, therefore, on the 14th day of January, a.d. 1875, embarked, at Hong Kong, with a view to the gratification of that desire, on board the steamship " Anadyr," which vessel is one of a large steam fleet belonging to the "Messageries Maritimes Compagnie," of France. After a very pleasant voyage of four days, we arrived at Saigon, the capital city of a large territory, which today is naturally termed, as it belongs to France, Cochinchine Francaise, or French Cochin China. Our approach from the sea to Saigon 

Interesting book but unfortunately has no illustrations.

details :
  • Author: Gray, John Henry
  • Publication date: 1879
  • Remark London: Harrison

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