Worry and nervousness: or, The science of self-mastery
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Worry and nervousness |
Having dealt quite fully with the Physiological and Psychological phases of functional nervous disorders in the former work, this book will be almost exclusively devoted to an amplification of the therapeutics — the details of treatment and the practical management of the various neuroses, including a large group of " borderland " ailments such as alcoholism, migraine, chorea, etc.
The methods herein described are those practised in the daily management of these various " nervous disorders," whether met in the clinic, the hospital, or in the private consulting room; and in this connection the author desires to reiterate a statement made in the preface of his former work, viz., that he makes no pretensions of being a professional psychotherapist — that his time and energies are largely devoted to other professional duties.
It was the experience of seeing so many " nervous " patients who had been neglected, operated upon, and otherwise mistreated, without being in the least helped; and the further experience of seeing a large number of these unfortunate sufferers more or less permanently cured at the hands of the numerous psychic cults and mind cure "' isms," that led to the further study and examination of the science of psychotherapy, all of which culminated in the writing of The Physiology of Faith and Fear, and in the preparation of this volume. It has been my experience that Neurasthenics get little help from simply reading a book a single time; they should read and re-read — study — this book systematically, say one hour every day, until its teachings become a real part of their mental life.
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