The study of plant life - Marie Carmichael Stopes - PDF ebook

The study of plant life -   Marie Carmichael Stopes

The study of plant life
The study of plant life

Miss Stopes's book is an enterprising and able attempt to popularize a difficult subject. The really keen student will undoubtedly be stimulated to pursue the study of fossil plants further, and even those who are not students will get some new ideas and derive a certain amount of interest from a book which is sometimes brilliant but never dull." Nature.

"Dr. Marie Stopes has made a name for herself in this special line. Anyone who takes an intelligent interest in the subject cannot fail to be charmed with the pleasant manner in which Dr Stopes conveys her information." Athenaeum

As a result of the present efforts to raise the standard of education in this country, many different " Methods of Teaching " are receiving our grave consideration. So insistent are their advocates, that we stand in some danger of forgetting that learning, rather than teaching, is the essential factor in education.

 It is not the knowledge given us ready-made by the teacher, but that which we learn, acquiring it by our own efforts, which enters into our being and becomes a lasting possession. Therefore this little book does not pretend so much to teach as to act as a guide along the road for those who desire to learn something about the plants around them; hence it points out how much they can easily see for themselves of the wonderful life and work of the silent plants. 

It is planned for children, whose quick sympathies are more readily drawn towards the life of things than to the dry facts of morphology or classification. Its " Leitmotif" is, therefore, the story of life, and those of its activities which find expression in the plant world. Perhaps it may serve to awaken interest in some older people who have not yet been initiated into these mysteries.

As is inevitable, most of the actual facts in this book are already the common property of botanists, though some of the suggested work, such as the mapping, is only now being adopted by the Universities.

details :
  • Author: Marie Carmichael Stopes
  • Publication date: 1910
  • Remark published by London: Blackie and Son

  • Download PDF book 34 MB 
