The great triumphs of great men
The book illustrates the biographies of successful people in History (warriors, statesmen, merchants, engineers). Good book for History lovers or for inspirations.
To read about the doings of eminent men is very profitable — it is understood, of course, that we read with intelligence, and make our reading influence our lives. Great examples always produce an invigorating effect. One makes poor progress taking himself as his model: it is when he measures himself by those who have risen to position and influence that he perceives his own defects, and is stirred up to exertion. In the following pages, we have given brief notices of the great triumphs of the great men of our nation.
It is an illustrious catalogue, of which we have reason to be proud. As we turn from triumph to triumph, we observe what a wealth of power Britain possesses in the genius and industry of her sons; and when we see such glorious deeds in the past, we are encouraged to entertain the brightest anticipations regarding the future.
It is not in a few fields that the great men of our country have won their laurels, and, in consequence, this book has variety enough. One may read in it of matters very widely apart: of the invention of the stocking-frame, and the victory of Waterloo; of the writing of the Faerie Queen, and the philanthropic labours of John Howard; of the wonderful eloquence of Whitefield, and the discoveries of Dr Livingstone.
The great triumphs which it contains are arranged under separate chapters, according to the line of life in which they were achieved; and the contents of the chapters are arranged chronologically, a method which pre- sents several marked advantages. The sources from which our work has been compiled have been very numerous; too numerous, in fact, to particularize. Our chief care has been to unite interest with accuracy, and in that, we hope to have met with such success as to win the approbation of the reader.
The great lesson of the book is one that has been often taught before that to the resolute mind nothing is impossible. A generous ambition to rise in the world is what everyone should cherish; and that we shall succeed if we only labour perseveringly is pretty certain. 'The longer I live,' says an eminent writer, 'the more I am convinced that the great difference between men — between the feeble and the powerful, the great and the insignificant — is energy, invincible determination — a purpose once fixed, and then death or victory. That quality will do anything that can be done in the world; and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities, will make a two-legged creature a man without it.'
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