Old-fashioned ethics and common-sense - PDF by William Thomas Thornton

Old-fashioned ethics and common-sense metaphysics, with some of their applications

Old-fashioned ethics and common-sense metaphysics

Having, by the heading of this essay, announced that it is intended to be partly controversial, I can scarcely begin better than by furnishing the reader with the means of judging whether I myself correctly apprehend the doctrine which I am about to criticise. If, then, I were myself a Utilitarian, and, for the sake, either of vindicating my own belief or of making converts of other people, had under-taken to explain what Utilitarianism is, I should set about the task somewhat in this wise: —

The sole use and sole object of existence is enjoyment or pleasure, which two words will here be treated as synonymous; happiness, also, though not quite identical in meaning, is occasionally substituted for them. Enjoy- ment, it must be observed, is of very various kinds, measures, and degrees. It may be sensual, or emotional, or imaginative, or intellectual, or moral

. It may be momentary or eternal; intoxicating delight or sober satisfaction. It may be unmixed and undisturbed, in which case, however short of duration or coarse in quality, it may in strictness be called happiness; or it may be troubled and alloyed, although of a flavour which would be exquisite if pure, and if there were nothing to interfere with the perception of It. 

Understood, however, in a sufficiently comprehensive sense, enjoyment or pleasure may be clearly perceived to be the sole object of existence. 

The whole value of life plainly consists of the enjoyment, present or future, which life affords, or is capable of affording or securing. Now, the excellence of all rules depends on their conduciveness to the object they have in view. 

The excellence of all rules of life must, therefore, depend on their conduciveness to the sole object which life has in view, viz., enjoyment, But the excellence of rules of life, or of conduct or modes of acting, would seem to be but another name for their morality, and the morality of actions obviously depends on their conformity to moral rules. Whence, if so much be admitted, it necessarily follows that the test of the morality of actions is conducive- ness to enjoyment.

details :
  • Author: William Thomas Thornton
  • Publication date: 1873
  • Remark The author is utilitarian 

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