Old diary leaves, the true story of the Theosophical Society - PDF by Henry Steel Olcott

Old diary leaves, the true story of the Theosophical Society

Madame Blavatsky
Madame Blavatsky

In the history of public bodies, the chapter which relates the origin and vicissitudes of the Theosophical Society should be unique. 

Whether viewed from the friendly or the unfriendly standpoint, it is equally strange that such a body should have come into existence when it did, and that it has not only been able to withstand the shocks it has had but actually has grown stronger proportionately with the bitter unfairness of its adversaries. One class of critics say that this fact strikingly proves a recrudescence of human credulity and religious unrest which is preliminary to a final subsidence upon Western conservative lines. 

other see in the progress of the movement the sign of a worldwide acceptance of Eastern philosophical ideas, which must work for the reinvigoration and incalculable broadening of the spiritual sympathies of mankind. 

The patent, the undeniable fact is, that up to the close of the year 1894, as the result of but nineteen years of activity, charters had been granted for 394 branches of the Society, in almost all parts of the habitable globe; and that those issued in that latest year outnumbered nearly average since the foundation, in 1875, by 29.9 per cent. Statistically viewed, the relentless and unfair attack which the Society for Psychical Research and the Scottish Missionaries delivered against it in 1884, and which it was hoped would destroy it, merely resulted in very largely augmenting its prosperity and usefulness. 

The latest assault — that through the Westminster Gazette — must inevitably have the same ending. The simple reason is that however thoroughly the private faults and shortcomings of its individual leaders may be exposed, the excellence of the Society's ideas is not impugned in the least. To kill the Theosophical Society, it is first necessary to prove its declared objects hostile to the public welfare, the teachings of its spokesmen pernicious and demoralising.

 It being impossible to do either the one or the other, the world takes the Society as a great fact, a distinct individuality, which is neither to be condemned nor applauded because of the merit or demerit of its representative personalities. 

This truth begins to force itself upon outsiders. One of the ablest among contemporary journalists, Mr W. T. Stead, said in Borderland^in the course of a digest of these " Old Diary Leaves " as they originally appeared in the Theosophist, that nobody now cares whether the Coulomb and S. P. R. charges of trickery against Madame Blavatsky were true or false; her worst enemies being unable to deny her the credit of having affected modern philosophical thought to an extraordinary degree by popularising certain noble Eastern ideas. The same
details :
  • Author:  Henry Steel Olcott
  • Publication date:
  • Remark New York, London: G.P. Putnam's Sons

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