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The Harvard Classics Full Collection
The Harvard Classics Full Collection

The Harvard Classics, originally marketed as Dr Eliot's Five-Foot Shelf of Books, is a 50-volume series of classic works of world literature, important speeches, and historical documents compiled and edited by Harvard University President Charles W. Eliot. - wikipedia
  • Vol. 1: Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman, William Penn
  • Vol. 2. Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius
  • Vol. 3. Bacon, Milton's Prose, Thomas Browne
  • Vol. 4. Complete Poems in English, Milton
  • Vol. 5. Essays and English Traits, Emerson
  • Vol. 6. Poems and Songs, Burn
  • Vol. 7. The Confessions of St. Augustine, The Imitation of Christ
  • Vol. 8. Nine Greek Dramas
  • Vol. 9. Letters and Treatises of Cicero and Pliny
  • Vol. 10. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
  • Vol. 11. Origin of Species, Darwin
  • Vol. 12. Plutarch's Lives
  • Vol. 13. Aeneid, Virgil
  • Vol. 14. Don Quixote, Part 1, Cervantes
  • Vol. 16. The Thousand and One Nights
  • ol. 17. Folk-Lore and Fable, Aesop, Grimm, Andersen
  • Vol. 18. Modern English Drama
  • Vol. 19. Faust, Egmont, etc., Goethe, Doctor Faustus, Marlowe
  • Vol. 20. The Divine Comedy, DanteVol. 21. I Promessi Sposi, Manzoni
  • Vol. 22. The Odyssey, Home
  • Vol. 23. Two Years Before the Mast, Dana
  • Vol. 24. On the Sublime, French Revolution, etc., Burke
  • Vol. 25. J.S. Mill and Thomas Carlyle
  • Vol. 26. Continental Drama
  • Vol. 27. English Essays, Sidney to Macaulay
  • Vol. 28. Essays, English and American
  • Vol. 29. Voyage of the Beagle, Darwin
  • Vol. 30. Faraday, Helmholtz, Kelvin, Newcomb, etc.
  • Vol. 31. Autobiography, Cellini
  • Vol. 32. Montaigne, Sainte-Beuve, Renan, etc.
  • Vol. 33. Voyages and Travels
  • Vol. 34. Descartes, Voltaire, Rousseau, Hobbes
  • Vol. 35. Froissart, Malory, Holinshead
  • Vol. 36. Machiavelli, More, Luther
  • Vol. 37. Locke, Berkeley, Hume
  • Vol. 38. Harvey, Jenner, Lister, Pasteur
  • Vol. 39. Famous Prefaces
  • Vol. 40. English Poetry 1: Chaucer to Gray
  • Vol. 40. English Poetry 1: Chaucer to GrayVol. 41. English Poetry 2: Collins to Fitzgerald
  • Vol. 42. English Poetry 3: Tennyson to Whitman
  • Vol. 43. American Historical Documents
  • Vol. 44. Sacred Writings: Volume 1
  • Vol. 45. Sacred Writings: Volume 2
  • Vol. 46. Elizabethan Drama 1
  • Vol. 47. Elizabethan Drama 2
  • Vol. 48. Thoughts and Minor Works, Pasca
  • Vol. 49. Epic and Saga
  • Lectures on The Harvard Classics

details :
  • Author: various
  • Publication date: 1919 
  • Remark  Publisher P. F. Collier & Son

  • Download The Harvard Classics Collection   PDF books 975 MB

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