Essentials of botan
The favourable reception accorded to the author’s revised Elements of Botany has led him to hope that a somewhat fuller book along the same lines might find a place.
Accordingly, the present work has been prepared especially for the use of secondary schools which devote a year to botany. It will also be found usable in schools which devote less than a year to the subject, but which prefer to spend on the study of spore-plants a considerable portion of the total time available for the science. Chapters 1-xx1 will be found essentially identical to the first twenty-one chapters of the Elements.
The matter relating to cryptogamic types has been rewritten and extended. While the number of forms discussed is kept within moderate limits, it is believed that enough types are treated and that the presentation is sufficiently full to enable the pupil to realize that each of the higher plants is descended from a series of lower ones. Much detail in the discussion of plant evolution seems too difficult for most secondary schools.
The experience of a decade has shown that the study of ecology, except in the most elementary form, demands more kinds of knowledge and a better-matured judgment than the “beginner in botany can command. The teacher who wishes to do more with the subject than is suggested in the present book is referred to Part III of Bergen and Davis’ Laboratory and Field Manual of Botany.
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