Anarchism and other essays PDF - Emma Goldman

Anarchism and other essays 

Emma Goldman
Emma Goldman

Among the men and women prominent in the public life of America there are but few whose names are mentioned as often as that of Emma Goldman. 

Yet the real Emma Goldman is almost quite unknown. The sensational press has surrounded her name with so much misrepresentation and slander, it would seem almost a miracle that, in spite of this web of calumny, the truth breaks through and a better appreciation of this much-maligned idealist begins to manifest itself. 

There is but little consolation in the fact that almost every representative of a new idea has had to struggle and suffer under similar difficulties. Is it of any avail that a former president of a republic pays homage at, Osawatomie to the memory of John Brown? Or that the president of another republic participates in the unveiling of a statue in honour of Pierre Proudhon, and holds up his life to the French nation as a model


Biographic Sketch 5
Preface 47
Anarchism: what it really stands for 53
Minorities versus Majorities 75
The Psychology of Political Violence 85
Prisons: a social crime and Failure 115
Patriotism: a menace to liberty 133
Francisco Ferrer and The Modern School. . 151
The Hypocrisy of Puritanism 173
The Traffic in Women 183
Woman Suffrage 201
The Tragedy of Woman's Emancipation.... 219
Marriage and Love 233
The Drama: a powerful disseminator of radical thought 247

details :
  • Author:  Emma Goldman
  • Publication date: 1911
  • Remark  New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association

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