An Enemy of the People - Henrik Ibsen - Free Full Audiobook

An Enemy of the People - Free Full Audiobook 

An Enemy of the People
An Enemy of the People 

An Enemy of the People (original Norwegian title: En folkefiende), an 1882 play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, followed his previous play, Ghosts, which criticized the hypocrisy of his society's moral code. That response included accusations of both Ghosts and its author being "scandalous," "degenerate," and "immoral."

 In An Enemy of the People, a man dares to expose an unpalatable truth publicly and is punished for it. However, Ibsen took a somewhat sceptical view of his protagonist, suggesting that he may have gone too far in his zeal to tell the truth. Ibsen wrote to his publisher: "I am still uncertain as to whether I should call [An Enemy of the People] a comedy or a straight drama. It may [have] many traits of comedy, but it also is based on a serious idea."

From Wikipedia