A history of modern philosophy - Benjamin Chapman Burt - 2 Volumes PDF

A history of modern philosophy - Benjamin Chapman Burt 

A history of modern philosophy

Undertaking only to a limited extent the higher logico-genetic development and the complete and final valuation of ideas and systems of thought, the present work aims primarily merely to present with considerable fulness, and as simply and clearly as may be consistent with scientific accuracy, the principal content of the leading systems (and partial systems) of philosophy in modern times, together with a reasonable amount of information re- garding philosophical authors and works. 

It aims to be something more than a mere " chronological " account of systems, authors, and works; to show, in a general way, at least, the actual historical connections of systems, i.e., to exhibit the historical continuity of modern philosophical thought, and, further, to furnish materials and stimulus to the student for the study of the higher genesis and final values of ideas and systems.\

 The paragraphs of characterization (marked Result) are of course intended rather as helpful suggestions than as complete, absolute statements of final truth. It seems not out of place to remind the reader that where, as almost necessarily in a case like the present, a work contains numerous quotations, direct and indirect, and adaptations from a great variety of authors, a certain heterogeneity and lack of smoothness in style is inevitable.

 The apparently disproportionate length at which certain recent systems are treated will find a sufficient excuse, it is assumed, in the fact that they have not as yet become commonly known through other histories of philosophy. For the benefit of readers unfamiliar with German and Italian, the titles of the principal philosophical works in these languages have been translated.

details :
  • Author: Benjamin Chapman Burt
  • Publication date:  1892
  • Remark Chicago: A. C. McClurg and company

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