The positive philosophy of Auguste Comte - PDF John Stuart Mill

The positive philosophy of Auguste Comte

The positive philosophy of Auguste Comte

it is essentially a wholesome movement, and if so, what is to be accepted and what is rejected of the direction given to it by its most important movers. T

here cannot be a more appropriate form for the discussion of these points than a critical examination of the philosophy of Auguste Comte; for which the appearance of a new edition of his fundamental treatise, with a preface by the most eminent, in every point of view, of his professed disciples, M. Littr^, affords a good more identified than any other with this mode of thought. 

He is the first who has attempted its complete system utilization, and the scientific extension of it to all objects of human knowledge. 

And in doing this he has displayed a quantity and quality of mental power, and achieved an amount of success, which has not only won but re- trained the high admiration of thinkers as radically and strenuously opposed as it is possible to be, to nearly the whole of his later tendencies, and to many of his earlier opinions. It would have been a mistake had such thinkers busied themselves in the first instance with drawing attention to what they regarded as errors in his great work. 

Until it had taken the place in the world of thought which belonged to it, the important matter was not to criticise it, but to help in making it known. To have put those who neither knew nor were capable of appreciating the greatness of the book
the book details :
  • Author:John Stuart Mill
  • Publication date: 1887
  • Company: New York : Henry Holt and Company

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