The philosophic and scientific ultimatum - PDF by W. A Allibaco

The philosophic and scientific ultimatum

The philosophic and scientific ultimatum
The philosophic and scientific ultimatum

written in the constitution and laws of the universe by the omnipotent hand of divine intelligence, and spread before all mankind in the universal language of organic mind and matter, cause and effect, for the guide of nations and the promotion of human happiness. Copied, as read from the divine original

That man is a progressive being, he demonstrates for himself by individual, race, and nation. That he is also a fallible and erring being, not yet fully understanding himself and the highest and true interest in his relations to the im- mutable principles and laws that govern the harmonious universe, and the unfolding Cause from which they flow, is proved from the inherent weakness and fallibility of all his institutions, from his origin to the present day.

 Man has raised and clothed himself with power and grand- eur in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; but the ruin and wreck of nations and empires in every quarter of the globe attest to the futility of his efforts, and ignorance of the immutable principles and laws, with the nature and character of eternal Cause froiffl^hich they flow, and before which the conflicting institutions of man have ever fallen and will forever fall. 

Therefore, to demonstrate eternal Cause, with his intrinsic, germane nature and character clearly defined, by and with his constitutional principles and modes of being, is to unfold the foundation principles and powers of the universe, and open up to man the immutable and eternal fountain of perfect government, religion, philosophy, science, and art. 

That man is a free agent, conditioned only by the unmountable principles and laws of the universe, is established by the fact that he has inherent in his constitution th^ attribute of justice, knowing right from wrong, and can perform the one and reject the other, according to his best light and understanding, which attribute pertains to free agency alone, and distinguishes man from all other earthly beings, and proves him a responsible agent to the attributes of that Cause who has thus endowed him, and of which he is self-conscious, standing revealed to himself by the handwriting of the same eternal Cause wrote in his constitution.

 Man being the rational offspring of eternal Cause, he has a divinely natural inherent right to seek and know the Author of his being, and learn the appropriate principles and system of government adapted to his condition, as a child has an inherent right to the breast of his mother. And that which most separates man from his eternal Parent, who is adequate to the supply of every need, is his greatest enemy.

the book details :
  • Author:  W. A Allibaco
  • Publication date:1864
  • Company: New York: Published by the author

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