Learn The French Language - Collection of 10 PDF ebooks

Learn the French Language

Learn The French Language
Learn The French Language 

I use apps to learn many languages. but the app will never teach you to complete grammar and will never teach you more than words for normal dialogues as a tourist, You need to study more words to be able to read books and newspapers, and also watch movies and you will be lucky if you are living in the country that you are learning its language, If not, you need to find friends and chat with them. Romantic languages are easier to learn than Eastern languages for English-speaking people. I am not saying Language apps are not efficient. they are a great way to learn how to pronounce and basic introduction to a Language in a fast way. 

  1. A new French grammar syntax.
  2. French speech and spelling, a first guide to French pronunciation
  3. Grammaire française
  4. Longmans illustrated the first conversational French reader, with notes and a full vocabulary
  5. Macmillan's progressive French course.
  6. Manual of French pronunciation and diction
  7. Practical French phonetics
  8. Primary French course.
  9. Some stumbling blocks of the French language and the way to avoid them.
  10. The new Fraser and Squair complete French grammar
With nearly 80 million native speakers and over 274 million speakers worldwide, French is one of the most popular languages in the world. In fact, French is the official language of 29 countries and is the sixth most spoken language in the world.
English and French have a lot of similarities. English has plenty of loanwords and cognates from the French.

the book details :
  • Author: Various 
  • Publication date: before 1930
  • Company: Public domain

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