Learn English Language Grammar - 14 PDF ebooks collection

Learn English Language Grammar - 14 PDF ebooks collection

Learn English Language Grammar
Learn English Language Gramma

English grammar is important for several reasons:
1. Communication: Proper grammar helps us to communicate effectively by clearly expressing our thoughts, ideas, and feelings in writing or speech.
2. Professionalism: In the workplace, using good grammar is a sign of professionalism and competence.
3. Legibility: Good grammar helps keep our writing legible. Poorly written material is often difficult to read and can be misunderstood.
4. Accuracy: Good grammar helps us to be accurate with our words and helps us communicate our ideas more effectively. 
5. Cohesion: Good grammar helps make our writing cohesive and easy to understand. It also helps us stay on-topic and avoid misunderstandings.

  1. A Higher English Grammar by Bain, Alexander,
  2. A minimum course in rhetoric.
  3. A New English Grammar by Wisely, John Benjamin.
  4. English Grammar by Wisely, John Benjamin
  5. An outline of English phonetics ... with 131 illustrations
  6. English Grammar and Analysis by Davidson, William
  7. English grammar by Kimball, Lillian Gertrude.pdf 14 M
  8. English intonation with systematic exercises
  9. Expression in speech and writing.
  10. First lessons in speech improvement.
  11. Good writing; modern rhetoric by Leonard, Arthur Willis.
  12. Groundwork of English grammar by Welton, James
  13. Higher lessons in English - a work on English grammar and composition
  14. The English grammar of William Cobbett
The book details :
  • Author: Various
  • Publication dates before 1935 collected from American libraries 
  • Company: public domain

  • Download 140 MB zip files containing 14 PDF ebooks collection