Personal psychology 20 - PDF by Amy Hough

Personal Psychology 20 -  Amy Hough

Personal Psychology 20 -  Amy Hough

Welcome to Personal Psychology 20. This course is designed to be an introduction to the field of study
called Psychology. The different sections in this course will reflect the diverse study of psychology —

from the science of the brain to the more philosophical theories of how we develop our own unique
personalities — as well as the different branches of psychology ranging from child psychology to
neuroscience. When you have completed this course you will have a basic understanding of what
psychology is and you will have gained some insight into your own behaviour and personal

Psychology is such a varied and growing field. Beginning studies may, at first, appear quite daunting. You will be introduced to many new words. Don’t panic, new terminology will be explained to you. Psychological terms that you are expected to know will be typed in boldface lettering. For quick reference, all boldface terms will also be listed, with their definitions, in the glossary. Following are some more study tips that you may find useful

the book details :
  • Author: Amy Hough
  • Publication date:2003
  • Company: [Barrhead]: Alberta Distance Learning Centre

  • Download Personal psychology 18 MB