Hossfeld Japanese grammar- PDF by Henry J Weintz

Hossfeld's Japanese grammar

Hossfeld's Japanese grammar
Hossfeld's Japanese grammar-

comprising a manual of the spoken language in the Roman character, together with dialogues on several subjects and two vocabularies of useful words; and Appendix

The rapidly increasing amount of commerce and social intercourse between this country and Japan has created a pressing demand for a really practical grammar for the acquisition of the Japanese language by English-speaking people. No apology, therefore, is needed for the appearance of the present work, which is designed to exhibit in as concise and scientific a form as possible the main features of Japanese accidence and syntax. 

Usually, English people who take up the study of an Oriental language are not children, but those of mature years having a competent acquaintance with the mother tongue, and it is from this point of view that the explanations contained herein have been framed. 

Every Japanese phrase and sentence in the book is taken from some work by an author of eminence and published during the last decade, and authority (volume and page) can be adduced in every instance. 

This has been regarded as a point of special importance, in much as it is a guarantee that the work exhibits the language to the student as it is really current in polite social intercourse at the present day. My object during the compilation of the work has been to include everything of practical utility, and to discard everything superfluous. 

I have endeavoured to make the definitions clear and precise, so that they may be easy to comprehend and readily retained. I have further endeavoured to arrange and distribute the matter, so as to embrace within narrow limits much more information than is generally embodied in a book of its pretensions, and I believe that there is not a useful Rule or Observation in the works of any recognised writer of eminence that is not found in this.

A good book to learn Japanese in the Roman Characters

the book details :
  • Author: Henry J Weintz
  • Publication date:  1904-05
  • Company: London, Hirschfeld

  • Download Hossfeld's Japanese grammar - 17 MB Volume 1