From Berlin to Bagdad and Babylon - PDF (1922) - John Augustine Zahm

From Berlin to Bagdad and Babylon

From Berlin to Bagdad and Babylon

The following pages are the result of observations made and impressions received during a recent journey between one of the greatest capitals of Europe and the crumbling remains of what was in the long-ago the greatest capital of Asia. 

The route I followed was that which has been rendered famous by the migrations of the nations from the East to the West and by the march of armies from the days of Asurbanipal, Darius and Alexander to those of Harun- al-Rashid, Godefroy de Bouillon and Kolmar von der Goltz. 

The journey in question I made not as a tourist but as a student — as one interested not only in the present condition — social, economic, religious and intellectual — of the peoples of the countries through which I passed, and as one who had had an intense and lifelong interest in the history and civilization of the lands which intervene between the headwaters of the Danube and the lower reaches of the Tigris and the Euphrates. The ordinary tourist on pleasure bent would regard most of my journey as having been made through what is usually spoken of as he unchangeable East.

the book details :
  • Author: John Augustine Zahm
  • Publication date: (1922)
  • Company:New York, London : D. Appleton and company

  • Download From Berlin to Bagdad and Babylon  19 MB