Health through self-conquest - PDF by Villette Hutchins White

Health through self-conquest 

Health through self-conquest

The indulgence of reader is asked for a brief statement of the facts leading to the writing and publication of this book. Only the necessity of giving proof of my knowledge from the experience of the practical value of the method of cure set forth in this book forces me to give this personal testimony. After ten years of invalidism, during which I had the more or less constant attendance of physicians, I found this way to health. 

Many years before, in desperation from long-continued suffering, I had been persuaded to try another form of mind cure but did not find it suited to my needs, so now felt no desire to seek help from that quarter. However, 

She called the system Scientific Mental Therapeutics but gave me in a single short interview merely the commands in a simple form so that I had no knowledge whatever of the underlying principles till subsequent research revealed them. As will be seen in the reading, this system has no connection whatever with any hearing cult but is really an approach to the subject from an entirely different angle.

the book details :
  • Author: Villette Hutchins White
  • Publication date: 1917
  • Company:New York : Edward J. Clode

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