The works of Gaboriau : four complete novels - PDF ebook

The works of Gaboriau : four complete novels

The works of Gaboriau : four complete novels
Emile Gaboriau


Monsieur Lecoq -- The honour of the name -- The Lerouge affair -- File number 113 -- The little old man of Batignolles

Emile Gaboriau (1832-1873) created Monsieur Lecoq, one of the earliest detectives in literature. Lecoq was a major influence on Sherlock Holmes, Arsene Lupin and other fictional mystery characters. Gaboriau wrote five novels and one short story about Lecoq. The author also included characters from the Lecoq series in at least five other novels. Fortune Du Boisgobey (1821-91) also wrote one novel about Lecoq.

the book details :
  • Author:Emile Gaboriau (1832-1873)
  • Publication date: 1908
  • Company: New York: W.J. Black, Inc.

  • Download The works of Gaboriau : four complete novels - PDF ebook 47 MB
