Introduction to the science of language - PDF by A. H. Sayce

Introduction to the science of language 

Introduction to the science of language

But few words of the Preface are needed for a work which will sufficiently explain itself. It is an attempt to give a systematic account of the Science of Language, its nature, its progress and its aims, which shall be at the same time as thorough and exhaustive as our present knowledge and materials allow. How far the attempt has been successful is for the reader to judge; the author cannot do more than his best. 

The method and theories which underlie the work have been set forth in my " Principles of Comparative Philology," where I have criticized certain of the current assumptions of scientific philology, and endeavoured to show their inadequacy or positive error. It is gratifying to find that my views and conclusions have been accepted by leading authorities on the subject, and I shall, therefore, make no apology for tacitly assuming them in the present work. So far as the latter is concerned, however, it matters little whether they are right or wrong; an Introduction necessarily has mainly to deal with the statement and arrangement of ascertained facts. The theories the facts are called upon to support are of secondary importance. 

It may be objected that I have handled some parts of the subject at a disproportionate length. But it has seemed to me that an Introduction should give a survey of the whole field to be explored, and not neglect any portion of it for the sake of literary unity or easy reading. There is certain work which must be done once and for all, if the ground is to be cleared for future research and progress, and if well done need not be done again. The historical retrospect in the first chapter is indispensable for a right understanding of the "Science "of Language;" but in writing it I have tried not to forget that brevity is a virtue as well as completeness. It is the fault of the subject matter if the chapter seems unduly long.
The book details :
  • Author:  A. H. Sayce
  • Publication date:1880
  • Company: London: C. K. Paul & co.

  • Download Introduction to the science of language - Volume 1