CSS Notes for Professionals
The CSS Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, and the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow. Text content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA. See the credits at the end of this book who contributed to the various chapters. Images may be copyright of their respective owners unless otherwise specified.
The book was created for educational purposes and is not affiliated with CSS group(s), company(s) or Stack Overflow. All trademarks belong to their respective company owners.
Some contents:
About .1
Chapter 1: Getting started with CSS .2
Section 1.1: External Stylesheet .2
Section 1.2: Internal Stules .3
Section 1.5: CSS @import rule tone of CSS at-rule') .3
Section 1.4: Inline Stules .4
Section 1.5: Changing CSS with JavaScript .4
Section 1.6: Styling Lists with CSS .5
Chapter 2: Structure and Formatting of a CSS Rule .7
Section 2.1: Property Lists .7
Section 2.2: Multiple Selectors .7
Section 2.5 : Rules, Selectors, and Declaration Blocks .7
Chapter 5: Selectors .8
Section 5.1: Basic selectors .8
Section 5.2: Attribute Selectors .8
Section 5.5: Combinators .11
Section 5.4: Pseudo-classes . 12
Section 5.5: Child Pseudo Class .14
Section 5.6: Class Name Selectors .14
Section 5.7: Select an element using its ID without the high specificity of the ID selector .15
Section 5.8: The:last-of-tupe selector .16
Section 5.9: CSS5 :in-ranae selector example. 16
Section 5.10: A. The :not pseudo-class example & B. :focus-within CSS pseudo-class .16
Section 5.11: Global boolean with a checkbox: checked and ~ faeneral sibling combinatorial .18
Section 5.12: ID selectors .19
Section 5.15: How to stule a Range input .19
Section 5.14: The :only-child pseudo-class selector example .20
Chapter 4: Backgrounds .21
Section 4.1: Background Color .21
Section 4.2: Background Gradients .23
Section 4.5: Background Image .24
Section 4.4: Background Shorthand .25
Section 4.5: Background Size .26
Section 4.6: Background Position .30
Section 4.7: The background-origin property .31
Section 4.8: Multiple Background Image .33
Section 4.9: Background Attachment .33
Section 4.10: Background Clip .34
Section 4.11: Background Repeat .35
Section 4.12: background-blend-mode Property .36
Section 4.15: Background Color with Opacity .36
Chapter 5: Centering .38
Section 5.1: Using Flexbox .38
Section 5.2: Using CSS transform .39
Section 5.5: Using margin: 0 auto; .40
Section 5.4: Using text-alian .41
Section 5.5: Using position: absolute .41