Advertising the technical product - PDF by Clifford Sloan

Advertising the technical product 

Advertising the technical product
Advertising the technical product - 

No serious attempt could be made to cover the subject of advertising the technical product in a single volume of the present size. No more can be done than to discuss the important factors of the advertising problem that are peculiar to advertising the technical product. Here and there, this book steps on someone's toes.

This is not the result of a conscious effort on the part of the authors to '^ reform^' practice. The practice of advertising technical products does not need reforming; it is too highly developed and governed too generally by the intelligent application of sound advertising and selling principles. The authors simply have disagreed here and there with phases of practice, and have said so frankly. On the other hand, wherever certain practices have been found to possess such unusual merit that the authors could stand squarely behind them, these have been ''advertised" in the book, at the risk of an occasional cry from the gallery of ''press agents" or "propaganda". 

A book of this kind must be frank to be constructive; "pussy-footing" never really advanced any cause. The name of the publishers of this book is similar to the name of the publishers of a large group of engineering magazines. 

The reader should be informed, therefore, that the book publishers are entirely separate corporations, with an entirely independent publishing policy and operated by an entirely separate staff; further, that the understanding was established before work was begun on the manuscript that the authors should have carte Blanche to say what they pleased. 

The reader can judge for himself, as he reads through the book, whether anybody's style has been cramped.
The book details :
  • Author: Sloan, Clifford Alexander
  • Publication date: 1920
  • Company: New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc.

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