The promotion of general happiness - Michael MacMillan - PDF ebook

The promotion of general happiness: a utilitarian essay

The promotion of general happiness

Excerpt from the introduction:

Utilitarians regard the increase of the happiness of the world as the only reasonable end of conduct, as the only object desirable in itself. According to them, even virtue itself would not be desirable unless it promoted the happiness of the world, and, if it had the contrary effect, would be the reverse of desirable. 

These extreme opinions are only held by a fraction of civilized men, a large number of whom consider that not only a virtue but also knowledge and art are desirable for their own sake. 

But even those who regard virtue, knowledge, art and other objects as desirable for their own sake regard general happiness as also desirable for its own sake. Some might prefer or think they prefer in certain cases increase of virtue, knowledge, and art to increase in happiness, but, if they saw that a certain action would increase happiness and would have no prejudicial results in any other direction, they would think such an action ought to be done. 

Even the sternest moralists and religious teachers, who show us the admirable discipline afforded by pain, do not appear to be exceptions. For, though they think pain is sometimes desirable in the interests of virtue and religion, they would prefer happiness if it were equally conducive to the same end. If beautiful]music promoted virtue as much as a trying bodily disease, who would not prefer the former to the latter 

the book details :
  • Author: Michael MacMillan
  • Publication date: 189
  • Company: London : S. Sonnenschein

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