The philosophy of business - Albert B.Francisco - PDF ebook

The philosophy of business; a little book for big men

The philosophy of business

 business world is fast awakening to the fact that business is a science. Indeed, many minds have presented business as a science in such able and praiseworthy ways that the idea is now becoming universally accepted. But as far as the author knows, the philosophy underlying this new and dynamic science has not been written.

 In the inter-est of individual and co-operative success, he has attempted, in this little book for big men, to give the true philosophy of business. He considers business in the sense of a world-wide form of busyness, involving service as the fundamental principle

.He sees in business a melting-pot, or crucible, into which men and women are forced by the laws of nature and submitted to the acid test of merit, the survival of the serviceable. Success results from the development of the virtues in obedience to natural laws as written in the constitutions of both nature and human nature. 

He relies upon the innate selfishness of the individual to counteract and restrain organized greed, that fair play may eventually be given to all.

Finally, a perfect society will be evolved which will reflect the sovereignty of God in an industrial democracy. Thus business is seen to be the dynamic science which will regenerate the race.

the book details :
  • Author: Albert B.Francisco
  • Publication date: 1916
  • Company: [Chicago, Wm. H. Pool printing & binding co.

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