The ritual of the Operative freemasons - PDF -Thomas Carr

The ritual of the Operative Freemasons

The ritual of the Operative Freemasons
The ritual of the Operative Freemasons

This paper is written, first, to prove that Speculative
Free Masonry is derived from Operative Free Masonry;
second, to give some account of the Operative Free Masons,
of their Ritual, and of their customs.
Chapter . Introduction.
Chapter 2. The Derivation of Speculative from Operative
Free Masonry.
Chapter 3 Existing Operative Free Masons.
Chapter 4. The Apprentice. First Degree
Chapter 5 The Fellow of the Craft. Second Degree.
Chapter 6. The Super Fellows. Third and Fourth De
Chapter 7. The Overseers. Fifth and Sixth Degrees.
Chapter 8. Annual Ceremonies. The Sanhedrim.
Chapter 9. The Three Masters. Seventh Degree.
Chapter 10. Conclusion.

the book details :
  • Author:Thomas Carr
  • Publication date: 1911
  • Company:Ann Arbor, Mich. : The Tyler Pub. Co.

  • Download The ritual of the Operative Freemasons 1.2 MB

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