Elements of plumbing - Samuel Edward Dibble - PDF ebook

Elements of plumbing

Elements of plumbing
Elements of plumbing

In preparing this manuscript the author has had in mind the needs of young men having no technical instruction who are anxious to become proficient in the art of Plumbing. As a consequence each exercise is minutely described and illustrated; so much so, perhaps, that an experienced mechanic may find it too simple for skilled hands and a mature mind. But the beginner will not find the exercises too elaborately described and will profit from careful study. 

Years of experience and observation have shown the author that the methods herein described are entirely practical and are in common use today. The various exercises in lead work will acquaint the beginner with the correct use of tools and metals. The exercises in iron pipework have also been detailed to show the correct installation of jobs. Together with the study of this book the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Drawing and English should be taken. 

These subjects as they bear on Plumbing are invaluable to the mechanic in his future connection with the trade. The author is indebted for the illustrations of fixtures in the chapter covering the development of plumbing fixtures, to Thomas Haddock's Sons Co., Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co., and The Trenton Potteries Co.


I. Plumbing Fixtures and Trade . . 1
II. The Use and Care of the Soldering Iron — Fluxes — Mak-
ing Different Soldering Joints 11
III. Mixtures of Solders for Soldering Iron and Wiping —
Care of Soldiers — Melting Points of Metals and Alloys 21
IV. Making and Caring of Wiping Cloths ... 24
V. Preparing and Wiping Joints 27
VI. Preparing and Wiping Joints {Continued) . ... 37
VII. Laying Terra-cotta And Making Connections to Public
Sewers — Water Connections to Mains in Streets . . . 69
VIII. Installing of French or Sub-soil Drains . . .... 82
IX. Storm and Sanitary Drainage with Sewage Disposal in View 86
X. Soil and Waste Pipes and Vents — Tests 95
XI. House Traps, Fresh-air Connections, Drum Traps, and
Non-syphoning Traps 104
XII. Pipe Threading 110
XIII. Cold-water Supply— Test 118
XIV. Hot-water Heaters — Instantaneous Coil and Storage
Tanks — Return Circulation, Hot-water Lines and Expansion 124
XV. Insulation of Piping to Eliminate Conduction, Radiation, Freezing and Noise 131
XVI. "Durham" or "Screw Pipe" Work— Pipe and Fittings. 134
XVII. Gas Fittings, Pipe and Fittings, Threading, Measuring and Testing 141
XVIII. Plumbing Codes 153
Index 167

the book details :
  • Author: Samuel Edward  Dibble
  • Publication date:1918
  • Company: New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company

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