Architectural drawing - Wooster Bard Field - PDF ebook

Architectural drawing - Illustrated 

Architectural drawing
Architectural drawing

An exhaustive treatment of the subject of Architectural Drawing presents so many ramifications that, to cover them fully, several volumes of text and many expensive plates are required. Almost with- ^ out exception these books and portfolios each deal with but one phase of the subject and go into that at some length. 

For this reason, the architectural student must have access to a rather voluminous library or else invest in a number of more or less expensive books. Even with such a library available, the average student is at a loss to know how to go about his studies, and where there is such an abundance of \ material to select from, finds it very difficult to proceed intelligently. For one who is under the direction ^ of an instructor, this difficulty is not so pronounced, but the latter arrangement presents to him another ^ problem. He is usually working in a class with a number of others all of whom need the material at the N same time. 

Both teaching and office experience have proved that there are certain classes of information that should be at the draftsman's elbow at all times. This is true whether he be a student or employed in an office. An effort has been made in the preparation of this book, to provide for the student those things ^ which are of fundamental importance in his initial study of the subject, together with a careful presentation of some of the more important points that are usually left for him to acquire during his office experience after he has left school. 

The material, though prepared primarily for the architectural student, will be found invaluable to anyone who deals with architectural work. It will enable the artisan, in any of the building or allied trades, to read the drawings and take off the quantities of his work for estimation purposes. He can then execute the work, according to the plans and specifications, without being dependent upon another for the interpretation of the drawings. 

The articles are taken up in the sequence in which the work naturally goes forward on the board. This is not usually the order of procedure in studying the subject but seems to be the logical way of o recording it since it gives the reader a comprehensive and well-ordered idea of the entire process. 

For the beginner, a preliminary explanation is made of the method of Orthographic Projection and its application to architectural drawing. This is followed by a description of the drawing instruments, after which are given those geometric solutions most used by the architect. Preliminary sketches, Scale and Detail Drawings, and the Orders of Architecture are then taken up. 

Under the subject of Scale, Drawings are given typical examples of drawings which represent buildings of different materials and methods of construction, to show the student how prominent architects have taken care of such conditions. Notes have been added calling attention to the particular points illustrated. In addition to the instruction in drawing, is an article on Lettering as applied to architectural work. 

A suggested course of study has been added as a guide for the student. This is presented in such a way as to serve as an outline for either a simple or a comprehensive course. It gives the student a definite order of procedure but makes it optional to him as to the extent of his work in each department.
the book details :
  • Author: Wooster Bard  Field - Thomas Ewing French.
  • Publication date:1922
  • Company: New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.

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