Little nature studies for little people - John Burroughs - PDF eBook

Little nature studies for little people

Little nature studies for little people
Little nature studies for little people - John  Burroughs

from the essays of John Burroughs; an introduction to the study of science and nature 

When Little Nature Studies was first edited it was designed only as a book to be placed in the hands of children in the-first year's work at school, as an aid to the teacher to create andcdltivate in her pupils a love for nature, and to induce in themthe naturalist's careful method of observation.

It was presumedthat the child would incidentally learn to read while learning toobserve and think, since the simple monosyllabic sentences of John Burroughs's elegant diction unconsciously carried with themall the simplicity and other desirable elements so eagerly soughtby professional manufacturers of first-reader and primer reading-matter combined with the yet more desirable qualities of pro-found insight and masterful strength. 

As education progressesin our country, as the public mind awakens to the importanceof managing a child's time in school with thrift and in suchmanlier that his ability may be conserved, as educators acquirea quickened pedagogical sense, the inane puerility of the reading-matter forced upon children in the last few decades will, moreand more, arouse contempt and aggressive opposition.

The first edition of Little Nature Studies was received withenthusiastic commendation from a large majority of our profes-sional educators whether or not they had competing books beforethe public, and extended criticism was invited by the editor andthe firm from teachers and superintendents with the most inter-esting and friendly replies. 

There were requests from manyteachers that the number of "pages for teachers" be increased,that the book be divided into two parts, each part to be boundseparately, that diacritical marking be made a larger feature, andthat the essays be broken up into lessons.

 All of these pointshave been carefully considered and acted upon.Many thanks are due teachers and superintendents who haveso generously interested themselves in the work.It is only through the unceasing vigilance of patriotic teachersand citizens that our schools can be preserved from the commer-cial deluge of the manufacturer of "children's reading."

the book details :
  • Author: ohn  Burroughs
  • Publication date:  1897
  • Company: Boston, Ginn & Company

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