How to study effectively - PDF by Guy Montrose Whipple

How to study effectively 

How to study effectively
How to study effectively

Excerpt from the introduction:

Not long ago I was asked by a group of high- school students to present to them some suggestions on the technique of studying, with the idea that better knowledge of the methods by which school work could be prepared might increase their efficiency as students.

A survey of the available literature seemed to warrant the conclusion that, despite the existence of a number of books on the art of study, there was still room for another treatment that should be limited to the direct laying down of a series of rules or maxims, with just sufficient explanatory comment to make them readily intelligible and serviceable for the needs of the average high-school or college student.

I judge that many students in our high schools and colleges are not now working under the best possible conditions and that they would be glad to increase their efficiency, if only they knew how to do it. The rules which follow are intended to help these students. Most of the suggestions could also be profitably kept in mind by elementary-school teachers, whose business it should be as early as possible to develop the right habits of study in their pupils. 

 While it is true that much of what is presented in the school is calculated to appeal directly to the native interests of students, elicit their curiosity, and challenge their attention, it is equally true that most studying is real work, and that most boys and girls have to acquire the art of studying as they have to acquire many other habits and skills necessary to succeed in life. 

Moreover, conditions in many elementary schools unfortunately such as to promote only the most superficial kind of studying, putting a premium upon the mere committing to memory of words, permitting fickle and ill-sustained attention and the avoidance of hard intellectual work. Students in both high school and college have been studying, it is true, for years, but too often they have not been studying efficiently, have not formed the right habits of mental work, and indeed, do not even know how to go about the development of an adequate method or plan for such work.

They are often unable to recognize the problems set before them, nor do they have clear ideas as to the methods by which problems should be solved. Neither do they know fully how to deal with those 'lessons' that must be 'learned' more or less verbatim? 

By 'studying' I mean to include the 'getting of lessons/ like learning a list of words in spelling, as well as studying in the sense of solving problems and making an investigatory examination and critical survey of a topic.

The book details :
  • Author: Guy Montrose Whipple was an American educational psychologist known for developing psychological tests on human intelligence and personality. His other research interests included gifted education, literacy, vocational education, and the psychology of eyewitness testimony
  • Publication date:1916
  • Company:Bloomington, Ill. : Public-School Pub. Co

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