The efficient life - Luther Halsey Gulick - PDF ebook

The efficient life 

The efficient life
The efficient life 

From the author's note
My father once had medical care of a Hawaiian Chief, one of the Kamehamehas, I believe. The treatment involved the use of a rather drastic pill every evening for a number of days. The result of the first day's pill was so favourable that the chief took the rest of the boxful at once. 

His life was saved with great difficulty. So do not attempt to carry out all the suggestions in this book at once. Take a chapter at a time. Mark freely all ideas that strike you favourably — jot down at the end of each chapter a few words to indicate the extent to which you think apply cable to yourself. Only under- take at first what seems to fit your one greatest need.

Introduction.--Speed.--Efficiency.--Life that is worthwhile.--States of mind and states of the body.--The body shows character.--Exercise, its use and abuse.--Meat, drink, and the table.--The business of digestion.--Waste.--The attack on constipation.--Fatigue.--Sleep.--Stimulants and other whips.--The bath, for body and soul.--Pain, the danger signal.--Vision.--Vitality, the armour of defence.--Growth in rest

the book details :
  • Author: Luther Halsey Gulick
  • Publication date: 1913
  • Company: Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Page

  • Download The efficient life  - PDF - 2.8 MB
