Advertising - how to plan an advertising campaign - PDF by Truman A. De Weese

Advertising, how to plan an advertising campaign

Advertising, how to plan an advertising campaign

Advertising is not merely a method of diverting trade away from the merchant or manufacturer who does not advertise. Its function is not merely to pull business away from unprogressive competitors. It has "news" value as well as psychological power.

It not only supplies regularly. stated periods" concerning the best and most economical methods of supplying the needs of a normal and comfortable existence, but, operating through well established psycho- logical laws upon the human mind, it gradually im- plants in multiplied mentalities the idea that certain things are needed which were never before^ regarded as necessary to human contentment or happiness. will enlarges and_expands. the horizon .of .. man's daily life and, experience by bringing to his attention new commodities designed for his comfort and convenience without which he would have been perfectly happy in a state of blissful ignorance; but, having. learned of their existence, he cannot find it in his heart to be happy or contented until he possesses them. 

It is the constant reiteration of the so-called "selling arguments" in connection with a product that convinces and finally impels the reader to purchase. The constant dropping of the water of publicity gradually wears away the stone of indifference. The human mind is so constructed that it is appreciably affected by repetition— and, after all, advertising is only repetition.


I Modern Commercial Publicity 1
II. What Is Advertising? 9
III. Mediums Employed by General and Direct Publicity 15
IV. "Copy" — The Soul or Advertising 17
V. What Is Good Advertising "Copy "? 21
VI. The Bull's-Eye Method in Advertising 28
VII. "Reason-Why Copy" 38
VIII. The Value op Pictorial Advertising 44-
IX. The Magazine and the Newspaper 55-
X. The Relative Value of Magazine Pages 67
XI. Advertising by General Merchants 72
XII. The Preparation of Retail Advertisements.. . . 83
XIII. Mail Order Advertising 93
XIV. Follow-Up Systems for Mail Order Advertisers 98
XV. The Booklet in Mail Order Advertising 109
XVI. "Keying" Mail Order Advertisements 115
XVII. Street Car Advertising 119
XVIII. Outdoor Advertising 125
XIX. Planning an Advertising Campaign 134
XX. Advertising in Its Relation to the Sales Department 142
XXI. The Advertising Agency 149
XXII. Handling the Advertising Agency Campaign... . 157
the book details :
  • Author: Truman A. De Weese
  • Publication date: 1916
  • Company: Chicago, New York, London, A.W. Shaw co
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