Manual of the apiary - Albert John Cook - PDF ebook

Manual of the apiary

Manual of the apiary

In 1876, in response to a desire frequently expressed by the apiarian friends, principally my students, I published an edition of 3,000 copies of the little unpretending " Manual of the Apiary.'' 

This was little more than the course of lectures which I gave annually at the College. In less than two years this was exhausted, and the second edition, enlarged, revised, and much more fully illustrated, was issued. So great was the sale that in less than a year this was followed by the third and fourth editions, and, in less than two years, the fifth edition (seventh thousand) was issued. 

Each edition has been enlarged and changed, to keep pace with our rapidly advancing art. It is the desire and determination of both publishers and author, to make this work the exponent of the most improved apiculture; and no pains will be spared, that each succeeding edition may embody the latest improvements and discoveries wrought out by the practical man and the scientist, as gleaned from the excellent home and foreign apiarian and scientific periodicals

Any person who is cautious, observing, and prompt to do whatever the needs of his business requirements, with no thought of delay, may make apiculture a speciality, with almost certain prospects of success. He must also be willing to work with Spartan energy during the busy season and must persist, though sore discouragement, and even dire misfortune, essay to thwart his plans and rob him of his coveted gains.

 As in all other vocations, such are the men who succeed in apiculture. I make no mention of capital, to begin with, or territory on which to locate; for men of true metal — men whose energy of mind and body bespeak success in advance — will solve these questions long before their experience and knowledge warrant their assuming the charge of large apiaries.

Apiculture, as an avocation, may be safely recommended to those of any business or profession, who possess the above-named qualities, and control a little space for their bees, a few rods from street and neighbour, or a flat roof whereupon hives may securely rest (C. F. Muth, of Cincinnati, keeps his bees very successfully on the top of his store, in the very heart of a large city), and who are able to devote a little time, when required, to care for their bees. 

The amount of time will of course vary with the number of colonies kept, but with proper management, this time may be granted at any period of the day or week, and thus not interfere with the regular business. Thus residents of country, village, or city, male or female, who may wish to be associated with and study natural objects, and add to their income and pleasure, will find here an ever-waiting opportunity. 

To the ladies, shut out from fresh air and sunshine, till pallor and languor point sadly to departing health and vigour, and to men the nature of whose business precludes air and exercise, apiculture cannot be too highly recommended as an avocation.

Some content:

Who May Keep Bees 11
Specialists 11
Amateurs 11
Who are Specially Interdicted 12
Inducements to Bee-Keeping 12
Recreation 12
Profit 13
Excellence as an Amateur Pursuit, 15
Adaptation to Women 15
Improves the Mind and Observation 17
Yields Delicious Food 17
What Successful Bee-Keeping Requires 18
Mental Effort 18
Experience Necessary 18
Learn from Others 18
Aid from Conventions 19
Aid from Bee Papers 19
American Bee Journal 19
Gleanings in Bee Culture 20

the book details :
  • Author: Albert John Cook 
  • Publication date: 1880
  • Company: Chicago, Ill., T. G. Newman

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