Japanese fairy tales - Teresa Peirce Williston - PDF ebook

Japanese fairy tales

Japanese fairy tales
Japanese fairy tales - Teresa Peirce Williston 

To retell any of the stories of the Orient to the children of the Occident and preserve all the original flavour and charm, would be impossible. Still, there is much in the story, just as a story, to delight little readers of America, as well as to broaden their sympathies and stimulate new ideas. 

And our practical little Jonathans and Columbias need a touch of the imagination and poetry embodied in these talcs, which have been treasured through hundreds of years by the little ones of Japan. Every effort has been made to bring Japanese life as vividly as possible before the children by means of the illustrations.

 Mr Ogawa, the illustrator, is a native of Japan and a graduate of the Imperial Art School of Tokyo and combines the Japanese artistic instinct and classic tradition with a knowledge of American ideas and methods. To Mr Katayama of Tokio, I am indebted for his great assistance in collecting these stories.


The Preface 5
A-List of the Full-page Illustrations .....
The Wonderful Teakettle 9
The Wood-Cutter's Sake ........ 17
The Mirror of Matsuyama. 27
The Eight-Headed Serpent 35 -
The Stolen Charm 42
Urashima 49
The Tongue-Cut Sparrow 56
Shippeitaro 65
A Guide to Pronunciation ' • 73

the book details :
  • Author: Teresa Peirce Williston
  • Publication date: Teresa Peirce Williston
  • Company: Chicago [etc.] Rand, McNally & Co

  • Download Japanese fairy tales - PDF -3.8 MB - Contains coloured illustrations 
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