Authority in religion -Joseph H. Leckie - PDF ebook

Authority in religion 

Authority in religion

The purpose of this book is not so much dogmatic as suggestive. It does, however, endeavour to present a systematic treatment of its theme. Its argument is mediating and conservative. It attempts to show that the theory which traces Authority in religion to the direct, universal communion of God with man involves recognition of the great ' objective ' forms in which Authority presents itself as a fact of history and of experience. Many great books have been written on Authority, in English, German, and (especially perhaps) French. 

But there may be room for a short treatise, introductory to the subject and seeking to combine brevity with some degree of comprehensiveness and system. It may be objected to the plan of this book that it does not contemplate any separate treatment of the Authority of the Bible. But, from the point of view represented here, the problem of the Scriptures does not seem to involve any special difficulties. 

The enduring claim of our Sacred Writings to be held in peculiar reverence is that they are the Record of Revelation and the classical Literature of Faith. Their sanction is the divine Voices whose message they contain. 

I have to thank the Editor of the London Quarterly Review for permission to use an article of mine which appeared in that Journal. It forms the substance of Chapter V. on "The Theoretic Source and Organ of Authority." My cordial thanks for encouragement and help are due to the Rev. D. W. Forrest, D.D., and the Rev. Prof. Cairns, D.D. Principal Iverach showed me great kindness in allowing me the privilege of seeing the proofs of his article on ' Authority" in Hastings' Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, I am indebted to the Rev, James P. Gibson for very careful reading of my MS.


I. The fact of authority.--II. The fact of freedom.--III. The problem of authority.--IV. Authority and infallibility.--V. The theoretic source and organ of authority.--VI. The authority of the prophets. The aristocrats.--VII. The authority of the church. The Christian democracy.--VIII. The authority of Jesus Christ. The Lord.--IX. Concluding note.--Index

the book details :
  • Author:oseph H. Leckie
  • Publication date:1909
  • Company: Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark

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