Studies in pessimism - Arthur Schopenhauer - PDF ebook

Studies in pessimism : a series of essays

Studies in pessimism - Arthur Schopenhauer


On the sufferings of the world.--On the vanity of existence.--On suicide.--Immortality; a dialogue.--Further psychological observations.--On education.--On women.--On noise.--A few parables

Excerpt :
The essays here presented form a further selection from Schopenhauer's Parerga, brought together under a title -which is not to be found in the original and does not claim to apply to every chapter in the volume. The first essay is, in the main, a rendering of the philosopher'a remarks under the heading of Nachtrage zur Lehre vom Leiden der Welt, together with certain parts of another section entitled Nachtrdge zur Lehre von der Bejahung und Verneinung des Willens zum Leben. Such omissions as I have made are directed chiefly by the desire to avoid repeating arguments already familiar to readers of the other volumes in this series. The Dialogue on Immortality sums up views expressed at length in the philosopher's chief work and treated again in the Parerga.

 The Psychological Ohservationt in this and the previous volume practically exhaust the chapter of the original which bears this title. 

The essay on Women must not be taken in jest. It expresses Schoptsnhauer's serious convictions; and, as a penetrating observer of the faults of humanity, he may be allowed a hearing on a question that is just now receiving a good deal of attention among us.

the book details :
  • Author:Arthur Schopenhauer 
  • Translator: Thomas Bailey
  • Publication date:   1913
  • Company: London: G. Allen

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