Elements of ethics - Noah K. Davis - PDF ebook

Elements of ethics

Elements of ethics

This treatise is intended for readers who feel the need for a simple, direct and comprehensive theory of morals. Also, it is designed to serve as a handbook in institutions for higher education, where the subject of ethics is usually- offered to hearers who, though already well advanced in a course of liberal studies, are presumed to have no acquaintance with this branch of philosophy. 

My experience in teaching it has led me to give such pupils primarily a rounded scheme, postponing an examination of the various and often conflicting views of philosophical moralists. Accordingly, in this elementary treatise, I have simply presented my preferred theory, starting from a principle, proceeding logically in the development of a complete system, and indicating cursorily many practical applications. 

The preparation has been long and diligent. I have been in search of truth, glad to receive light from any source, and have now summed the results of my reading, thinking and teaching for many years in what is here offered to my fellow teachers, hoping it may be suited to their wants, and aid them in imparting high ideals and shaping noble characters. 

Naturally, I am solicitous that my work should be well received and approved, but whatever judgment be finally passed upon it, I shall have been conscious of sincere desire and earnest endeavour to preach and teach sound doctrine. This task finished, I shall hardly undertake another but rest in the hope that what is now done shall be well done, proving a step toward truth in philosophy, and help toward righteousness in life.

 An apology is perhaps needed for overstepping bounds with so large a bundle of annotations; which, since they are not at all essential to unfolding the theory, might have been omitted, and may be overlooked. 

This desultory collection of citations from authorities, quotations from general literature, of discussions on minor points, together with whatever occurred to me as illustrative, constitutes in some measure a variorum, an anthology. I feel quite sure that the scholarly reader will be pleased to see the very words of eminent writers, that the earnest student will be glad to have side-lights and finger-posts on the way, and that neither will be offended if here and there he stumble on an uneven trifle.

Some contents:

. Psychological Part.
§ 1. Prerequisite. Mind. Its powers 1
§ 2. Practical reason or conscience. Moral judgment 3
§ 3. Moral sentiments. Respect. Reverence 4
§ 4. Approbation and disapprobation. Their mark 5
§ 5. Desire. Distinguished from feeling. Distributed 5
§ 6. The moral impulse. Its universality. Its supremacy ... 6
§ 7. Volition. How related to cognition; to desire 8
§ 8. Analysis of volition. Two conditions. Three elements ... 10
§ 9. Choice or election. Intention. Effort 10
II. Philosophical
§ 10. Free-will. The power of choice a reality 13
§ 11. Intuitions of pure reason. Their reality. Conscience ... 16
§ 12. Personality is imperfect and perfect. Immortality 18
§ 13. The Deity, his existence. An argument for 20
§ 14. Relations of individuals, spatial, temporal, causative .... 24
§ 15. Teleological relations. The kingdom of ends 26
§ 16. The spiritual and psycho-physical realms 29
§ 17. Law, its formative elements. Its definition 30
§ 18. Its kinds. Natural law. Moral law 32.
( 19. Moral law a reality. Ethics defined 35
I 20. Two methods avoided 37
I 21. The method adopted in this treatise 38
22. The claim. Contention for private; for public 42
I 23. The task of ethics. A right, how to be treated ..,,,, 43
§ 24. Conscious life is a condition and determinant of 43
§ 25. Desires the basis. The ethical principle 45
§ 26. Kinds of rights, reduced to liberty 49
II. Liberty
§ 27. Freedom, the power of choosing, a postulate 51
§ 28. Pour constitutional limitations, and corollary 62
§ 29. Freedom absolute. Liberty discriminated 54
§ 30. Objective restrictions of liberty 56
§ 31. Subjective restrictions. Persuasion. Menace 56
§ 32. Warranted restrictions. Unavoidable. Avoidable .... 58
III. Trespass
§ 33. Personal relations determinative of rights 60
§ 34. A right implies possible interference. A wrong 61
§ 35. Modified statement of the moral principle 63
§ 36. Trespass defined. Its wide sense. Limits liberty .... 64
§ 37. Practical difficulties. Partial clearances 66
§ 38. Property rights. Adjudication of 68
§ 39. The trespass of forced intrusion, of vice, of discourtesy ... 69
§ 40. Personal honour, its offence and defence 71
§ 41. Indirect trespass, its parity. Sin is trespass 74
IV. The Law
§ 42. Its cognitive origin, and its formula 76
§ 43. Conscience defined. Inerrant. Uneducable 77
§ 44. Imperatives. The moral law categorical 80
§ 45. Supremacy of the law. Addressed to the will 82
§ 46. The law is objective in origin and character. 84
§ 47. Negative form. Deductions. Decalogue. Civil law .... 87
§ 48. This form is inadequate. Positive form 91
V. Sanctions

the book details :
  • Author: Noah K. Davis
  • Publication date: 1900
  • Company: Boston, New York

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